1. Behold, now it came to pass that the king of the Lamanites sent a proclamation among all his people, that they should not lay their hands on Ammon, or Aharon, or Omner, or Himni, neither their brothers, who should go forth preaching the word of Elohim, in whatsoever place they should be, in any part of their land. Yes, he sent a decree among them that they should not lay their hands on them to bind them, or to cast them into prison, neither should they spit upon them, nor strike them, nor cast them out of their synagogues, nor scourge them, neither should they cast stones at them, but that they should have free access to their houses, and also their Temples, and their sanctuaries; and thus they might go forth and preach the word according to their desires. For the king had been converted unto yhwh, and all his household; therefore, he sent this proclamation throughout the land unto his people, that the word of Elohim might have no obstruction, but that it might go forth throughout all the land, that his people might be convinced concerning the wicked traditions of their fathers, and that they might be convinced that they were all brothers, and that they ought not to murder, nor to plunder, nor to steal, nor to commit adultery, nor to commit any manner of wickedness.
  2. And now it came to pass that when the king had sent forth this proclamation, that Aharon and his brothers went forth from city to city and from one house of worship to another, establishing assemblies and consecrating kohanim and teachers throughout the land among the Lamanites, to preach and to teach the word of Elohim among them; and thus they began to have great success. And thousands were brought to the knowledge of yhwh, yes, thousands were brought to believe in the traditions of the Nefites. And they were taught the records and the prophecies, handed down even to the present time. And as sure as yhwh lives, so sure as many as believed, or as many as were brought to the knowledge of the truth through the preaching of Ammon and his brothers, according to the spirit of revelation, and of prophecy, and the power of Elohim working miracles120 in them — yes, I say unto you, as yhwh lives, as many of the Lamanites as believed in their preaching and were converted unto yhwh, never did fall away. For they became a righteous people; they did lay down the weapons of their rebellion, that they did not fight against Elohim anymore, neither against any of their brothers.
  3. Now these are they who were converted unto yhwh: the people of the Lamanites who were in the land of Yishma’el, and also of the people of the Lamanites who were in the land of Middoni, and also of the people of the Lamanites who were in the city of Nefi, and also of the people of the Lamanites who were in the land of Shilom, and who were in the land of Shemlon, and in the city of L’mu’el, and in the city of Shimnilom; and these are the names of the cities of the Lamanites who were converted unto yhwh. And these are they that laid down the weapons of their rebellion, yes, all their weapons of war, and they were all Lamanites. And the Amlicites were not converted, except only one, neither were any of the Amulonites; but they did harden their hearts, and also the hearts of the Lamanites in that part of the land wherever they dwelt, yes, and all their villages and all their cities. Therefore, we have named all the cities of the Lamanites in which they did repent, and come to the knowledge of the truth, and were converted.
  4. And now it came to pass that the king, and those people which were converted, were desirous that they might have a name, that thereby they might be distinguished from their brothers; therefore, the king consulted with Aharon and many of their kohanim concerning the name that they should take upon themselves, that they might be distinguished. And it came to pass that they called their name Anti-Nefi-Lechies; and they were called by this name and were no more called Lamanites. And they began to be a very industrious people, yes, and they were friendly with the Nefites. Therefore, they did open a correspondence with them, and the curse of Elohim did no more follow them.
  5. And it came to pass that the Amlicites, and the Amulonites, and the Lamanites, who were in the land of Amulon, and also in the land of Helam, and who were in the land of Yerushalayim, and, in short, in all the land round about, who had not been converted and had not taken upon them the name of Anti-Nefi-Lechi, were stirred up by the Amlicites and by the Amulonites to anger against their brothers. And their hatred became exceedingly sore against them, even insomuch that they began to rebel against their king, insomuch that they would not that he should be their king. Therefore, they took up arms against the people of Anti-Nefi-Lechi.
  6. Now the king conferred the kingdom upon his son, and he called his name Anti-Nefi-Lechi. And the king died in the very same year that the Lamanites began to make preparations for war against the people of Elohim. Now when Ammon, and his brothers, and all those who had come up with him saw the preparations of the Lamanites to destroy their brothers, they came forth to the land of Midian, and there Ammon met all his brothers; and from there they came to the land of Yishma’el, that they might hold a council with Lamoni, and also with his brother Anti-Nefi-Lechi, regarding what they should do to defend themselves against the Lamanites. Now there was not one soul among all the people who had been converted unto yhwh that would take up arms against their brothers; no, they would not even make any preparations for war; yes, and also their king commanded them that they should not.
  7. Now these are the words which he said unto the people concerning the matter: I thank my Elohim, my beloved people, that our great Elohim has in goodness sent these, our brothers the Nefites, unto us, to preach unto us and to convince us of the traditions of our wicked fathers. And behold, I thank my great Elohim that he has given us a portion of his spirit to soften our hearts,121 that we have opened a correspondence with these brothers, the Nefites. And behold, I also thank my Elohim that by opening this correspondence, we have been convinced of our sins and of the many murders which we have committed. And I also thank my Elohim, yes, my great Elohim, that he has granted unto us that we might repent of these things, and also that he has forgiven us of these our many sins and murders which we have committed, and took away the guilt from our hearts, through the merits of his Son. And now behold, my brothers, since it has been all that we could do — as we were the most lost of all mankind — to repent of all our sins and the many murders which we have committed, and to get Elohim to take them away from our hearts, for it was all we could do to repent sufficiently before Elohim that he would take away our stains — now, my best-beloved brothers, since Elohim has taken away our stains, and our swords have become bright, then let us stain our swords no more with the blood of our brothers.
  8. Behold, I say unto you, no, let us retain our swords, that they be not stained with the blood of our brothers; for perhaps, if we should stain our swords again, they can no more be washed bright through the blood of the Son of our great Elohim, which shall be shed for the atonement of our sins. And the great Elohim has had mercy on us, and made these things known unto us that we might not perish; yes, and he has made these things known unto us beforehand because he loves our souls as well as he loves our children. Therefore, in his mercy he does visit us by his angels, that the plan of salvation might be made known unto us as well as unto future generations. O how merciful is our Elohim. And now behold, since it has been as much as we could do to get our stains taken away from us and our swords are made bright, let us hide them away, that they may be kept bright as a testimony to our Elohim at the last day, or at the day that we shall be brought to stand before him to be judged, that we have not stained our swords in the blood of our brothers since he made known his word unto us and has made us clean thereby. And now, my brothers, if our brothers seek to destroy us, behold, we will hide away our swords, yes, even we will bury them deep in the earth, that they may be kept bright as a testimony that we have never used them at the last day, and if our brothers destroy us, behold, we shall go to our Elohim and shall be saved.
  9. And now it came to pass that when the king had made an end of these sayings, and all the people were assembled together, they took their swords and all the weapons which were used for the shedding of man’s blood, and they did bury them up deep in the earth. And this they did, it being in their view a testimony to Elohim, and also to men, that they never would use weapons again for the shedding of man’s blood. And this they did witnessing and covenanting with Elohim, that rather than shed the blood of their brothers, they would give up their own lives; and rather than take away from a brother, they would give unto him; and rather than spend their days in idleness, they would labor abundantly with their hands. And thus we see that when these Lamanites were brought to believe and to know the truth, they were firm and would suffer, even unto death, rather than commit sin; and thus we see that they buried the weapons of shalom, or they buried the weapons of war for shalom.
  10. And it came to pass that their brothers the Lamanites made preparations for war and came up to the land of Nefi for the purpose of dethroning the king, and to place another in his place, and also of destroying the people of Anti-Nefi-Lechi out of the land. Now when the people saw that they were coming against them, they went out to meet them and prostrated themselves before them to the earth, and began to call on the name of yhwh; and thus they were in this attitude when the Lamanites began to fall upon them and began to slay them with the sword. And thus without meeting any resistance, they did slay a thousand and five of them; and we know that they are blessed, for they have gone to dwell with their Elohim. Now when the Lamanites saw that their brothers would not flee from the sword, neither would they turn aside to the right hand or to the left, but that they would lie down and perish, and praised Elohim even in the very act of perishing under the sword — now when the Lamanites saw this, they did cease from slaying them; and there were many whose hearts had swollen in them for those of their brothers who had fallen under the sword, for they repented of the thing which they had done.
  11. And it came to pass that they threw down their weapons of war, and they would not take them again, for they were stung for the murders which they had committed. And they came down even as their brothers, relying upon the mercies of those whose arms were lifted to slay them.
  12. And it came to pass that the people of Elohim were joined that day by more than the number who had been slain; and those who had been slain were righteous people, therefore we have no reason to doubt but that they are saved. And there was not a wicked man slain among them, but there were more than a thousand brought to the knowledge of the truth; thus we see that yhwh works in many ways to the salvation of his people.122 Now the greatest number of those of the Lamanites who slew so many of their brothers were Amlicites and Amulonites, the greatest number of whom were after the order of the Nehors. Now among those who joined the people of yhwh, there were none who were Amlicites, or Amulonites, or who were after the order of Nehor, but they were actual descendants of Laman and L’mu’el. And thus we can plainly discern that after a people have been once enlightened by the Ruach Elohim, and have had great knowledge of things pertaining to righteousness, and then have fallen away into sin and transgression, they become more hardened; and thus their state becomes worse than if they had never known these things.
  13. And behold, now it came to pass that these Lamanites were more angry because they had slain their brothers, therefore they swore vengeance upon the Nefites, and they did no more attempt to slay the people of Anti-Nefi-Lechi at that time. But they took their armies and went over into the borders of the land of Zerach’mla, and fell upon the people who were in the land of Ammonihah, and destroyed them. And after that, they had many battles with the Nefites, in the which they were driven and slain. And among the Lamanites who were slain were almost all the seed of Amulon and his brothers, who were the kohanim of Noah; and they were slain by the hands of the Nefites. And the remainder, having fled into the east wilderness and having usurped the power and authority over the Lamanites, caused that many of the Lamanites should perish by fire because of their belief; for many of them, after having suffered much loss and so many afflictions, began to be stirred up in remembrance of the words which Aharon and his brothers had preached to them in their land; therefore, they began to disbelieve the traditions of their fathers, and to believe in yhwh, and that he gave great power unto the Nefites; and thus there were many of them converted in the wilderness.
  14. And it came to pass that those rulers who were the remnant of the children of Amulon caused that they should be put to death, yes, all those that believed in these things. Now this martyrdom caused that many of their brothers should be stirred up to anger; and there began to be contention in the wilderness, and the Lamanites began to hunt the seed of Amulon and his brothers and began to slay them; and they fled into the east wilderness. And behold, they are hunted at this day by the Lamanites. Thus, the words of Avinodi were brought to pass which he said concerning the seed of the kohanim who caused that he should suffer death by fire. For he said unto them, What you shall do unto me shall be a type of things to come. And now Avinodi was the first that suffered death by fire because of his belief in Elohim. Now this is what he meant: that many should suffer death by fire according as he had suffered. And he said unto the kohanim of Noah that their seed should cause many to be put to death in the like manner as he was, and that they should be scattered abroad and slain, even as a sheep having no shepherd is driven and slain by wild beasts. And now behold, these words were verified, for they were driven by the Lamanites, and they were hunted, and they were slain.123
  15. And it came to pass that when the Lamanites saw that they could not overpower the Nefites, they returned again to their own land; and many of them came over to dwell in the land of Yishma’el and the land of Nefi, and did join themselves to the people of Elohim, who were the people of Anti-Nefi-Lechi. And they did also bury their weapons of war according as their brothers had, and they began to be a righteous people, and they did walk in the ways of yhwh and did observe to keep his mitzvot and his statutes. Yes, and they did keep the Torah of Moshe; for it was expedient that they should keep the Torah of Moshe as yet, for it was not all fulfilled.124 But even though they kept the Torah of Moshe, they did look forward to the coming of Mashiach, considering that the Torah of Moshe was a type of his coming, and believing that they must keep those outward performances until the time125 that he should be revealed unto them. Now they did not suppose that salvation came by the Torah of Moshe, but the Torah of Moshe did serve to strengthen their faith in Mashiach; and thus they did retain a hope, through faith, unto Eternal salvation, relying upon the spirit of prophecy which spoke of those things to come.126 And now behold, Ammon, and Aharon, and Omner, and Himni, and their brothers did rejoice exceedingly for the success which they had had among the Lamanites, seeing that yhwh had granted unto them according to their prayers, and that he had also verified his word unto them in every particular.
  16. And now these are the words of Ammon to his brothers, which say thus: My brothers and my friends, behold, I say unto you, how great reason have we to rejoice! For could we have supposed when we started from the land of Zerach’mla that Elohim would have granted unto us such great blessings? And now I ask, what great blessings has he bestowed upon us? Can you tell? Behold, I answer for you; our brothers, the Lamanites, were in darkness, yes, even in the darkest abyss; but behold how many of them are brought to behold the marvelous light of Elohim. And this is the blessing which has been bestowed upon us, that we have been made instruments in the hands of Elohim to bring about this great work. Behold, thousands of them do rejoice and have been brought into the fold of Elohim. Behold, the field was ripe, and blessed are you, for you did thrust in the sickle127 and did reap with your might — yes, all the day long did you labor, and behold the number of your sheaves; and they shall be gathered into the granaries, that they are not wasted. Yes, they shall not be beaten down by the storm at the last day, yes, neither shall they be torn up by the whirlwinds; but when the storm comes, they shall be gathered together in their place, that the storm cannot penetrate to them; yes, neither shall they be driven with fierce winds wherever the enemy chooses to carry them. But behold, they are in the hands of the Adon of the Harvest and they are his, and he will raise them up at the last day. Blessed be the name of our Elohim;128 let us sing to his praise, yes, let us give thanks to his holy name, for he does work righteousness for ever. For if we had not come up out of the land of Zerach’mla, these, our dearly beloved brothers who have so dearly loved us, would still have been racked with hatred against us; yes, and they would also have been strangers to Elohim.
  17. And it came to pass that when Ammon had said these words, his brother Aharon rebuked him, saying, Ammon, I fear that your joy does carry you away unto boasting. But Ammon said unto him:

    I do not boast in my own strength
    or in my own wisdom;
    but behold, my joy is full,
    yes, my heart is brimming with joy,
    and I will rejoice in my Elohim.129

    Yes, I know that I am nothing,
    as to my strength, I am weak;
    therefore, I will not boast of myself,
    but I will boast of my Elohim,

    for in his strength I can do all things.
    Yes, behold, many mighty miracles we have worked in this land,
    for which we will praise his name for ever.

    Behold how many thousands of our brothers

    has he loosed from the pains of She’ol;130

    And they are brought to sing redeeming love,
    and this because of the power of his word which is in us;
    therefore, have we not great reason to rejoice?
    Yes, we have reason to praise him for ever,
    for he is the El Elyon

    and has loosed these, our brothers,

    from the chains of She’ol.

    Yes, they were encircled about with everlasting darkness

    and destruction;

    but behold, he has brought them into his everlasting light,131
    yes, into everlasting salvation;

    and they are encircled about with the matchless bounty

    of his love.

    Yes, and we have been instruments in his hands,
    of doing this great and marvelous work.

    Therefore, let us glory,
    yes, we will glory in yhwh;
    yes, we will rejoice, for our joy is full;
    yes, we will praise our Elohim for ever.

  18. Behold, who can glory too much in yhwh?

    Yes, who can say too much of his great power,

    and of his mercy, and of his long-suffering

    towards the children of men?

    Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part

    which I feel.

    Who could have supposed that our Elohim
    would have been so merciful

    as to have snatched us from our awful, sinful,

    and polluted state?

    Behold, we went forth even in wrath
    with mighty threatenings to destroy his assembly.

    Oh then, why did he not consign us to an awful destruction?
    Yes, why did he not let the sword of his justice fall upon us
    and doom us to eternal despair?

    Oh my soul almost, as it were, flees at the thought.

    Behold, he did not exercise his justice upon us,

    but in his great mercy has brought us

    over that everlasting gulf of death,

    and misery even to the salvation of our souls.
    And now behold, my brothers, what natural man is there

    that knows these things?

    I say unto you, there is none that knows these things

    except it be the penitent.

    Yes, he that repents, and exercises faith,
    and brings forth good works, and prays continually

    without ceasing,

    unto such it is given to know the mysteries of Elohim;

    yes, unto such it shall be given
    to reveal things which never have been revealed.
    Yes, and it shall be given unto such
    to bring thousands of souls to repentance,
    even as it has been given unto us
    to bring these our brothers to repentance.

  19. Now do you remember, my brothers,

    that we said unto our brothers in the land of Zerach’mla,

    We go up to the land of Nefi to preach unto our brothers

    the Lamanites,

    and they laughed us to scorn?

    For they said unto us, Do you suppose

    that you can bring the Lamanites

    to the knowledge of the truth?

    Do you suppose that you can convince the Lamanites

    of the incorrectness of the traditions of their fathers,

    as stiffnecked a people as they are,
    whose hearts delight in the shedding of blood,
    whose days have been spent in the most shameful iniquity,
    whose ways have been the ways of a transgressor

    from the beginning?

    Now, my brothers, you remember that this was their language.
    And moreover, they did say,
    Let us take up arms against them, that we destroy them
    and their iniquity out of the land,
    for fear that they overrun us and destroy us.

    But behold, my beloved brothers, we came into the wilderness,
    not with the intent to destroy our brothers,
    but with the intent that perhaps

    we might save some few of their souls.

  20. Now when our hearts were depressed

    and we were about to turn back,

    behold, yhwh comforted us and said,
    Go among your brothers the Lamanites,

    and bear with patience your afflictions,

    and I will give unto you success.

    And now behold, we have come and been forth among them,
    and we have been patient in our sufferings,
    and we have suffered every privation;
    yes, we have traveled from house to house,
    relying upon the mercies of the world —
    not upon the mercies of the world alone,
    but upon the mercies of Elohim.

    And we have entered into their houses and taught them,
    and we have taught them in their streets;
    yes, and we have taught them upon their hills;
    and we have also entered into their Temples

    and their synagogues and taught them.

    And we have been cast out, and mocked,
    and spit upon, and struck upon our cheeks,
    and we have been stoned,
    and taken, and bound with strong cords,
    and cast into prison;

    and through the power and wisdom of Elohim,

    we have been delivered again.

    And we have suffered all manner of afflictions,
    and all this that perhaps we might be the means

    of saving some soul,

    and we supposed that our joy would be full
    if perhaps we could be the means of saving some.

  21. Now behold, we can look forth and see the fruits of our labors,

    and are they few?

    I say unto you, no, they are many.
    Yes, and we can witness of their sincerity
    because of their love towards their brothers,

    and also towards us.

    For behold, they had rather sacrifice their lives
    than even to take the life of their enemy;
    and they have buried their weapons of war deep in the earth
    because of their love towards their brothers.

    And now behold, I say unto you, has there been so great love

    in all the land?

    Behold, I say unto you, no, there has not,

    even among the Nefites.

    For behold, they would take up arms against their brothers;
    they would not allow themselves to be slain.
    But behold how many of these have laid down their lives;
    and we know that they have gone to their
    Elohim because of their love, and of their hatred to sin.

    Now, have we not reason to rejoice?
    Yes, I say unto you,
    there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we,

    since the world began.

    Yes, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting

    in my Elohim,

    for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding;
    he comprehends all things, and he is a merciful being,
    even unto salvation to those who will repent

    and believe on his name.

    Now if this is boasting, even so will I boast;
    for this is my life and my light, my joy, and my salvation,
    and my redemption from everlasting woe.

    Yes, blessed is the name of my Elohim,
    who has been mindful132 of this people,

    who are a branch of the tree of Isra’el,

    and have been lost from its body in a strange land.
    Yes, I say, blessed be the name of my Elohim,
    who has been mindful of us wanderers in a strange land.

    Now, my brothers, we see that Elohim is mindful

    of every people,

    whatsoever land they may be in;133
    yes, he numbers his people,
    and his bowels of mercy are over all the earth.

    Now this is my joy and my great thanksgiving;
    yes, and I will give thanks unto my Elohim for ever.