1. And now I, M’roni, write a few of the words of my father, M’raman, which he spoke concerning faith, hope, and charity, for after this manner did he speak unto the people as he taught them in the synagogue which they had built for the place of worship:
  2. And now I, M’raman, speak unto you, my beloved brothers. And it is by the grace of Elohim the Father and Adonai Yeshua HaMashiach and his holy will, because of the gift of his calling unto me, that I am permitted to speak15 unto you at this time. Wherefore, I would speak unto you that are of the assembly,16 that are the peaceable followers of Mashiach, and that have obtained a sufficient hope by which you can enter into the rest of yhwh, from this time henceforth, until you shall rest with him in Heaven. And now, my brothers, I judge these things of you because of your peaceable walk with the children of men. For I remember the word of Elohim which says, By their works, you shall know them. For if their works be good, then they are good also.17 For behold, Elohim has said, A man being evil cannot do that which is good; for if he offers a gift or prays unto Elohim, except he shall do it with real intent, it profits him nothing.18 For behold, it is not counted unto him for righteousness. For behold, if a man being evil gives a gift, he does it grudgingly; wherefore, it is counted unto him the same as if he had retained the gift. Wherefore, he is counted evil before Elohim.19 And likewise, also is it counted evil unto a man if he shall pray and not with real intent of heart. Yes, and it profits him nothing, for Elohim receives none such. Wherefore, a man being evil cannot do that which is good, neither will he give a good gift. For behold, a bitter fountain cannot bring forth good water, neither can a good fountain bring forth bitter water. Wherefore, a man being the servant of HaSatan cannot follow Mashiach; and if he follow Mashiach, he cannot be a servant of HaSatan. Wherefore, all things which are good come of Elohim, and that which is evil comes of HaSatan. For HaSatan is an enemy unto Elohim, and fights against him continually, and invites and entices to sin, and to do that which is evil continually. But behold, that which is of Elohim invites and entices to do good continually.
  3. Wherefore, everything which invites and entices to do good, and to love Elohim, and to serve him, is inspired of Elohim. Wherefore, take heed, my beloved brothers, that you do not judge that which is evil to be of Elohim, or that which is good and of Elohim to be of HaSatan. For behold, my brothers, it is given unto you to judge, that you may know good from evil.20 And the way to judge is as plain, that you may know with a perfect knowledge as the daylight is from the dark night. For behold, the spirit of Mashiach is given to every man, that they may know good from evil. Wherefore, I show unto you the way to judge. For everything which invites to do good and to persuade to believe21 in Mashiach is sent forth by the power and gift of Mashiach. Wherefore, you may know with a perfect knowledge it is of Elohim. But whatsoever thing persuades men to do evil, and believe not in Mashiach, and deny him, and serve not Elohim, then you may know with a perfect knowledge it is of HaSatan, for after this manner does HaSatan work; for he persuades no man to do good,22 no not one, neither do his angels, neither do they who subject themselves unto him. And now, my brothers, seeing that you know the light by which you may judge, which light is the light of Mashiach, see that you do not judge wrongfully; for with that same judgment which you judge, you shall also be judged. Wherefore, I implore you, brothers, that you should search diligently in the light of Mashiach that you may know good from evil. And if you will lay hold upon every good thing and condemn it not, you certainly will be a child of Mashiach.
  4. And now my brothers, how is it possible that you can lay hold upon every good thing? And now I come to that faith of which I said I would speak, and I will tell you the way by which you may lay hold on every good thing. For behold, Elohim knowing all things, being from everlasting to everlasting, behold, he sent angels to minister unto the children of men, to make manifest concerning the coming of Mashiach, and in Mashiach there should come every good thing. And Elohim also declared23 unto prophets by his own mouth that Mashiach should come. And behold, there were diverse ways that he did manifest things unto the children of men which were good, and all things which are good come of Mashiach; otherwise, men were fallen and there could no good thing come unto them. Wherefore, by the ministering of angels24 and by every word which proceeded forth out of the mouth of Elohim, men began to exercise faith25 in Mashiach; and thus by faith they did lay hold upon every good thing, and thus it was until the coming of Mashiach; and after that he came, men also were saved by faith in his name. And by faith they become the sons of Elohim.
  5. And as sure as Mashiach lives, he spoke these words unto our fathers, saying, Whatsoever thing you shall ask the Father in my name, which is good, in faith, believing that you shall receive, behold, it shall be done unto you. Wherefore, my beloved brothers, have miracles26 ceased because Mashiach has ascended into Heaven? And has sat down on the right hand of Elohim to claim of the Father his rights of mercy which he has upon the children of men? For he has answered the ends of the Torah, and he claims all those that have faith27 in him; and they that have faith in him will cling to every good thing. Wherefore, he advocates the cause of the children of men. And he dwells eternally in the Heavens.
  6. And because he has done this, my beloved brothers, have miracles ceased? Behold, I say unto you, no; neither have angels ceased to minister unto the children of men. For behold, they are subject28 unto him, to minister according to the word of his command, showing themselves unto them of strong faith and a firm mind in every form of godliness. And the office of their ministry is to call men unto repentance, and to fulfill and to do the work of the covenants of the Father which he has made unto the children of men, to prepare the way among the children of men by declaring the word of Mashiach unto the chosen vessels of yhwh, that they may bear testimony of him; and by so doing, Adonai yhwh prepares the way that the residue of men may have faith in Mashiach, that the Ruach HaKodesh may have place in their hearts, according to the power thereof; and after this manner brings to pass the Father the covenants which he has made unto the children of men. And Mashiach has said, If you will have faith in me, you shall have power29 to do whatsoever thing is expedient in me. And he has said, Repent, all you ends of the earth, and come unto me, and be washed by immersion30 in my name, and have faith in me, that you may be saved.
  7. And now, my beloved brothers, if this be the case, that these things are true which I have spoken unto you — and Elohim will show unto you with power and great glory at the last day that they are true — and if they are true, has the day of miracles ceased? Or have angels ceased to appear unto the children of men? Or has he withheld the power of the Ruach HaKodesh from them? Or will he so long as time shall last, or the earth shall stand, or there shall be one man upon the face thereof to be saved? Behold, I say unto you, no. For it is by faith that miracles are worked,31 and it is by faith that angels appear and minister unto men. Wherefore, if these things have ceased, woe be unto the children of men, for it is because of unbelief, and all is vain. For no man can be saved, according to the words of Mashiach, except they shall have faith in his name. Wherefore, if these things have ceased, then has faith ceased also, and awful is the state of man, for they are as though there had been no redemption32 made.
  8. But behold, my beloved brothers, I judge better things of you, for I judge that you have faith in Mashiach, because of your meekness; for if you have not faith in him, then you are not fit to be numbered among the people of his assembly. And again, my beloved brothers, I would speak unto you concerning hope. How is it that you can attain unto faith except you shall have hope?33 And what is it that you shall hope for? Behold, I say unto you that you shall have hope34 through the atonement of Mashiach and the power of his resurrection to be raised unto life Eternal, and this because of your faith in him, according to the promise. Wherefore, if a man have faith, he must necessarily have hope; for without faith, there cannot be any hope. And again, behold, I say unto you that he cannot have faith and hope except he shall be meek and humble of heart. If so, his faith and hope is vain, for none is acceptable before Elohim except the meek and humble of heart.
  9. And if a man be meek and humble in heart, and confesses by the power of the Ruach HaKodesh that Yeshua is the Mashiach, he must necessarily have charity.35 For if he have not charity, he is nothing; wherefore, he must necessarily have charity. And charity suffers long and is kind, and envies not, and is not puffed up, seeks not her own, is not easily provoked, thinks no evil and rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth, bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Wherefore, my beloved brothers, if you have not charity, you are nothing, for charity never fails. Wherefore, cling36 unto charity, which is the greatest of all. For all things must fail, but charity is the pure love of Mashiach, and it endures for ever. And whoever is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with them.37 Wherefore, my beloved brothers, pray unto the Father with all the energy of heart that you may be filled with this love, which he has bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son Yeshua HaMashiach; that you may become the sons38 of Elohim; that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is; that we may have this hope; that we may be purified, even as he is pure. Amen.